Okay, so it wasn't even Halloween yet and what are we seeing? Christmas commercials. SERIOUSLY?! Hello! I want to be scared, not full of joy and peace! I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but I love Halloween, too. I don't want one holiday ruined by another. Hell, it isn't even Thanksgiving! I'm going to be sick of Christmas before it even hits December! We're seeing decorations and gifts going on sale. I like be prepared, but seriously?
Please tell me I'm not the only one here...
Pretty soon they will be showing Christmas commercials the day after Christmas!
DarkJade05 (Updated )
HA HA! Okay, that would make me officially nuts. "Hey parents! Get prepared for next year!" lol. Wow, yeah I'd have to get my gun out of the case and go on a killing spree. Either that or punch a baby and the closest one would probably be my nephew, and I love me nephew!
.... I'm not watching TV anymore... :P