I don't know why, but I have gotten many questions about my ethnicity. Something about my eyes seem exotic. While I blush inside at the compliment, it seems strange to me that it is noticeable in that feature specifically. So I'll shrug and say what the heck, why not give a little background of the many types of blood running through my veins.
I am East Indian(Like from India, duh! A little bit of Sikh royal blood in there somewhere)<-Dad
Native American: Navajo, Apache <- Dad, and Cherokee <-Mom
Spanish(Spain) <-Dad
Mexican(My grandmother swears up and down the line is closest to the Mayans, but who knows how true that is...) <-Dad
German <-Mom
French <-Mom
Norwegian <-Mom
Scotch-Irish <-Mom
English(Royal blood mixed in from several lines, discovered through my mother's hard work in genealogy) <-Mom
My mother lovingly call her kids Heinz 57 because of our diversity. I say were are the future. My parents are ahead of the rest of the human race. My brother Married and African-American and have a child together. So now there is even more dark blood in the pool. lol. Now all we need is an Asian and we'd pretty much be complete. Ha ha!
I like to think I'm just Mormon-American. HA! Love it!
Okay, I have to get my COD4 MW2 fix for the night before I crash. Ciao!